Month: January 2014

What am I doing?

I know, I know, I haven’t updated in a while. I also haven’t updated my “other blog” in like six months. A year? Two years? Cringe. Which is a real shame, because she’s a mean, mean girl and I’ll probably be punished. *heh* Let me wax poetic for a few seconds about how I used to be such a good blogger. I would post something every-single-day. I would edit photos and post funny stories. I left notes on my friend’s blogs with thoughtful comments as well as bookmarking awesome recipes and DIY projects. Pinterest? Psh. That time muncher ate up six hours every night.

Then I wrote books. Everything changed after I wrote books. I couldn’t stop. That’s what happens if you’re lucky, you know? Characters prattle about their problems and flick your brain while you try to drink your morning coffee. Alas, my child goes without being photographed (by a non-iPhone camera) and the only time I pull up photoshop is when I need a cool graphic to promote a novel. So sad. But so happy, too.

So, what am I doing? I’m finishing up a Contemporary Romance novel. If the stars align the first draft will be done by the end of month. By first draft I mean fourth, because I’ve been editing as I go. Old dog, new tricks. So, that’s sort of today’s announcement. Another book. My fourth!

I want to talk to you guys like I used to talk to you guys. Like Rachel the blogger who made you laugh while you shook your head in disgust. Oh, you know you did. Don’t lie. Thank you to all of my friends, family and fans who have followed my journey this far. Your support means the world to me. Every comment you leave, every book review you write is like a freakin’ bear hug. I love you guys so hard.

Which is why my upcoming novel is for you. For those of you who loved the wit and banter. And for those of you who pushed this idea down my throat until I choked on it. I finally vomited it back up in the form of a full fledged novel. It took the bravery of a soldier to write it. Wait…let’s rephrase–it took the bravery of a Navy SEAL to write this damn book. Literally. 🙂 This is Maverick and Windsor’s love story. It’s a brutally honest story about loss, hope, destruction, and of course love (with a ginormous heaping of sex-crazed-LUST.) Sorry, Grandma. You’re going to have to sit this one out. *side eye* Crazy good is crazy close to my heart for a billion different reasons. Let me just say, when people tell you to write what you know, they mean it. It’s a genius concept that people don’t adhere to enough. Folks, I’m a believer. It’s time to introduce you to my new baby.


©Rachel Robinson 2014

Stay tuned for a blurb or an excerpt, or something Crazy good related. As soon as I lock down a release date (it will be this year!) I will let everyone know. Thank you guys again. Keep posting. Liking (I’m on Insta @rachelrobinsonauthor), writing reviews and most all, supporting me. I couldn’t do this without you.

My publisher is putting on a huge giveaway during Valentines day. I think the grand prize winners will win like 18 e-books?! Escaped, Embraced and Six will be among them. I’ll be posting about that soon, too. Until next time, friends.

Stay classy and fill those cups with love and light.
